The specific nature of endurance training in tennis


  • David Suárez
  • Josep Campos Rius



Endurance, specificity, tennis, integrated training


The type of endurance training in tennis will be more or less specific depending on the different biomechanical and motor actions and tactical situations, both, at the time of execution of the stroke and during the different on-court movements. However, the dynamics of the change of direction and rhythm are also fundamental. More often than not, the presence of accelerations and decelerations in sprints and stops will be a differential factor for speed and endurance in tennis. We can, thus, easily infer that a load could be very specific in a certain context and not in another one.


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How to Cite

Suárez, D., & Rius, J. C. (2016). The specific nature of endurance training in tennis. ITF Coaching & Sport Science Review, 24(68), 9–11.


