Is there a relationship between junior and senior tennis success?


  • Michael Bane
  • Bruce Elliott
  • Macher Reid



players, development, rankings, career


Imagine you’ve just won a Wimbledon Championship and reached the number one world ranking, all before the age of 18. It sounds pretty unlikely but it happens more often than you would think—in the international junior game, that is. But what does this type of success mean in relation to the professional game? Do elite juniors become elite pros? This article will provide some evidence on this issue by presenting the tennis specific research conducted during the last years.


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Bane, M., Elliott, B, and Reid, M. (2015). "Performance analysis and game intelligence" In M. Reid, B. Elliott, & M. Crespo (Eds.). Tennis Science: How racquet and player work together (pp. 54- 73). The Ivy Press, Lewes.

Brouwers, J., De Bosscher, V., and Sotiriadou, P. (2012), "An examination of the importance of performances in youth and junior competition as an indicator of later success in tennis," Sport Management Review, 15, 461-475.

Reid, M., Elliott, B., & Crespo, M. (2015). Tennis Science: How racquet and player work together. The Ivy Press, Lewes.

Reid, M., M. Crespo, M., Santilli, L. Miley, D., and J. Dimmock, J. (2007), "The importance of the International Tennis Federation's junior boys' circuit in the development of professional tennis players," Journal of Sports Sciences, 25, 667-672.

Reid, M., Crespo, M., and Santilli, L. (2009), "Importance of the ITF junior girls' circuit in the development of women professional tennis players," Journal of Sports Sciences, 27, 1443-1448.



How to Cite

Bane, M., Elliott, B., & Reid, M. (2016). Is there a relationship between junior and senior tennis success?. ITF Coaching & Sport Science Review, 24(68), 18–20.


