Theories of Skill Acquisition: Implications for Tennis Coaching




skill acquisition, motor skill learning, practice design, practice activities


This article discusses different theories of skill learning, including ecological dynamics, and their implications for coaching and practice design. Concerns with current beliefs about skill acquisition and the associated traditional practice methods will be discussed. The major tenets of ecological dynamics will be presented, followed by some practice design recommendations for coaches. The goal of this paper is to introduce coaches to a more contemporary theoretical framework of skill acquisition that will drive the exploration of new practice methods to maximize skill development across all ages.


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Author Biography

Tom Parry, IU Kokomo

Dr. Tom Parry is an assistant professor at Indiana University Kokomo specifically skill acquisition and performance psychology. His work focuses on the application of theoretical concepts to practitioner-based fields such as sport coaching. Dr. Parry's main research interest includes practical applications of skill learning theory and the investigation of factors that influence motor skill performance and learning, such as instruction, practice activity design, and the provision of feedback.


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How to Cite

Parry, T., & O’Rourke, L. (2023). Theories of Skill Acquisition: Implications for Tennis Coaching. ITF Coaching & Sport Science Review, 31(89), 51–56.


