Creating a tennis culture in the national federation


  • Manrique Rodríguez Universidad de Valencia
  • Ana Piquer Piquer Universidad de Valencia
  • Andrés Crespo Dualde ESIC Business & Marketing School



values, management, organisation, national association


This paper reflects on the definition, importance, and components of a very used but commonly misunderstood term, organisational culture, and its application to sport entities such as national tennis federations. In the context of change towards professionalism, commercial orientation, and effective management practices in which these organisations are evolving to, the need for these organisations to generate and sustain the appropriate culture adapted to the challenges of the tennis ecosystem and the needs of their stakeholders is of paramount relevance. The paper reviews the main results obtained by research in this area as applied to sport organisations in general and national tennis federations.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez, M., Piquer Piquer, A., & Crespo Dualde, A. (2024). Creating a tennis culture in the national federation. ITF Coaching & Sport Science Review, 32(93), 29–35.


