How do LTA mini tennis modifications shape children’s match-play performance?


  • Anna Fitzpatrick
  • Keith Davids
  • Joseph Antony Stone



constraints-based coaching, court scaling, ball compression, mini tennis


Modified versions of tennis, such as Tennis Play and Stay and Mini Tennis (MT) have been implemented around the world to influence children’s performance behaviours. However, it is not clear how modified versions of tennis shape match-play behaviours. We analysed 1010 match-play points, across four stages of tennis (MT Red, MT Orange, MT Green and Full Ball), to investigate effects of playing MT on children’s match-play performance behaviours (Fitzpatrick, Davids & Stone, 2017). MT Red and MT Orange rallies lasted longer than Full Ball rallies, indicating that MT can afford children more opportunities to develop their skills. Also, MT players performed a higher percentage of forehands and lower percentage of backhands than Full Ball players, which may signal an unintended, imbalanced effect of practice modifications on skill development. Findings suggested that coaches should consider possible effects on match-play behaviours when designing modified practice environments for young players.


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How to Cite

Fitzpatrick , A., Davids, K., & Stone, J. A. (2018). How do LTA mini tennis modifications shape children’s match-play performance?. ITF Coaching & Sport Science Review, 26(74), 4–7.


