Diverse and inclusive tennis governance: Threading inclusive leadership practices into director selection


  • Tracy Molloy Auckland University of Technology, AUT Sports Performance Research Institute New Zealand
  • Kelly McCallum Auckland University of Technology, AUT Sports Performance Research Institute New Zealand.
  • Lesley Ferkins Auckland University of Technology
  • Charlotte Jelleyman uckland University of Technology, AUT Sports Performance Research Institute New Zealand.




diversity, inclusion, leadership, governance


The purpose of our article is to demonstrate how inclusive leadership practices can be threaded into the director selection process as a way to achieve more diverse and inclusive tennis governance. In this review article, we have brought together a growing body of knowledge on inclusive leadership practices for sport boards. We use this knowledge to propose suggestions for the director selection processes. We break down the concepts of diversity and inclusion, as well as director selection as they apply to sport governance to offer tangible ways for tennis boards to become more diverse and inclusive.


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How to Cite

Molloy, T., McCallum, K., Ferkins, L., & Jelleyman, C. (2023). Diverse and inclusive tennis governance: Threading inclusive leadership practices into director selection . ITF Coaching & Sport Science Review, 31(90), 17–23. https://doi.org/10.52383/itfcoaching.v31i90.461




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