Talent Development in Tennis – Speaking the Language


  • Paul Roetert
  • Mark Kovacs
  • Miguel Crespo




Talent, Development, Sponsorship, Terminology


When delving into any kind of new or different field of study, one of the first things to do is to familiarize ourselves with the proper terminology. We likely wouldn’t feel comfortable taking tennis lessons from someone who talked about “backstrokes” instead of “backhands” or who confused “rally’s” and “volley’s”. We would certainly question the coach’s credibility. This same concept is also true in the field of talent development as some confusion exists as to what it really is. However, it is very important for us, as tennis coaches, to understand not only the proper terminology but also the concepts behind them especially in relationship to developing our players properly. Let’s take a look at what is currently available in the scientific literature related to this topic.


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How to Cite

Roetert, P., Kovacs, M., & Crespo , M. (2009). Talent Development in Tennis – Speaking the Language. ITF Coaching & Sport Science Review, 17(49), 4–8. https://doi.org/10.52383/itfcoaching.v17i49.635


