Applying the concept of chunking to tennis


  • E. Paul Roetert
  • Ronald B Woods
  • Duane Knudson
  • Scott W Brown



Chunking, stages of learning, motor skill performance


The goal of this article is to address how three accepted and researched motor learning stages, as well as the concept of mentally chunking information, relate to acquiring and accelerating the learning process in tennis. Stages of learning, the role of playing vs. practicing tennis, and the interaction between biomechanics and motor learning are discussed. Specific coaching tips are provided.


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How to Cite

Roetert, E. P., Woods, R. B., Knudson, D., & Brown, S. W. (2019). Applying the concept of chunking to tennis. ITF Coaching & Sport Science Review, 27(77), 10–15.




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