Proposal for the early development of coordination skills in tennis players


  • David Sanz
  • Jaime Fernández



coordination capabilities, motor development, nervous system maturation


Among the different characteristics of the comprehensive development of a tennis player, there is an important one, its multi phase component. Above all, one of the bases of motor development during the maturity process of the player, has to do with coordination skills. It is considered that the development of coordination is an essential element in the developing stages of young tennis players, therefore, it should be part of the content of the programme from the very first stages, if it is expected for players to reach a competitive level. This article offers a number of guidelines and examples to improve and develop these coordination capabilities.


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How to Cite

Sanz, D., & Fernández , J. (2016). Proposal for the early development of coordination skills in tennis players. ITF Coaching & Sport Science Review, 24(69), 10–12.


