The importance of modifying the equipment for beginner tennis players: Tennis Play and Stay development in Spain


  • David Sanz



Development plan, Tennis Play and Stay, adapted material, skills adquisition


This article discusses the importance of using the appropriate material when coaching beginner tennis, especially, by means of modifying the material (balls, rackets, and size of the courts) and with methodologies based on exploratory approaches, which help to solve problems without a direct solution from the coach. At the Royal Spanish Tennis Federation we considered it was very important to intervene in the beginners’ processes, both, at the methodological level, with courses to train the trainers, and at the sport development level, with some constraints in the competition formats. We have made a number of proposals we expect can contribute to tennis growth, and to make the beginners’ experiences more rewarding and healthy for our players.


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How to Cite

Sanz, D. (2017). The importance of modifying the equipment for beginner tennis players: Tennis Play and Stay development in Spain. ITF Coaching & Sport Science Review, 25(72), 12–14.




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