Tennis and disabilities guidelines for coaches


  • David Sanz
  • Alejandro Sánchez



Adapted tennis, impairment, disability, methodological orientation


Tennis is a sport with a high technical, tactical, physical and psychological content. These contents can be developed by players with some kind of impairment. In fact, although at the institutional level, the International Tennis Federation (ITF) ́s regulations only consider wheelchair tennis for persons with physical disabilities, we find more and more experiences from people with other forms of disability who play tennis too. So much so, that even the ITF is considering their development at recreational and inclusive level. This article discusses the different modalities of tennis for persons with different abilities and provides some tips for coaches.


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How to Cite

Sanz, D., & Sánchez , A. (2017). Tennis and disabilities guidelines for coaches. ITF Coaching & Sport Science Review, 25(71), 32–35.


